Rooibos flavoured with Vanilla to enjoy hot or cold.
The name of this tea is derived from “red bush”, which became “rooibos” in South Africa, where it is produced. As its name suggests, the plant from which rooibos is made is not a member of the tea family and its leaves look like long needles. Rooibos is becoming more and more popular: it is naturally caffeine-free and can be drunk hot or cold. It differs from tea because of its different and more herbaceous taste.
Rooibos is also (wrongly) called red tea because after infusion the water takes on a red colour. In fact, Rooibos comes from a broom-like plant. Traditionally it is produced by fermenting the leaves, which gives them their reddish brown colour. There are however certain varieties of rooibos with greener leaves – this is because they have not been fermented.
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