Blend of an energizing mate with a strong green lemon oil, sprinkled with fruit peel. To be drunk hot or on the rocks.
What is the green maté with lemon made of?
Mate is a drink made from the infusion of the Ilex Paraguariensi plant, which is called “yerba mate” in Spanish or “erva mate” in Portuguese. This plant, which can grow up to 20 meters high, only grows in the border region between Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil. Thus, these three countries are the only producers of mate in the world.
Tea and mate should not be confused, mate is not obtained by the infusion of the Camellia Sinensis plant and therefore does not contain any theine. Nevertheless, it has similar virtues.
Mate is an excellent stimulant. This is due to its high content in :
Caffeine: well known for its stimulating effect. However, mate contains less caffeine than coffee. This avoids undesirable effects.
Theobromine: this is what causes the bitterness of yerba mate. It is also found in cocoa beans. It stimulates the nervous system.
Theophylline: the main active molecule in tea leaves. The stimulating effect of mate is often compared to tea because it diffuses energy over the long term, without a peak in intensity.
Yerba mate leaves contain almost 90% more polyphenols than green tea. This makes it an excellent antioxidant. Thus, it boosts the immune system and the metabolism.
We have combined this green mate with lime to give it an energizing and pleasant taste. Lime also contains many antioxidant properties.
This mate is therefore a concentrate of benefits for your body.
How to prepare your Maté Citron
How to prepare this lemon mate so that it releases all the splendor of its flavours and its virtues? It is simple:
We advise you to let it infuse for 3 minutes in a simmering water between 85° and 90°C.
But we can never repeat it enough: the secret of a good infusion is to enjoy it first. You can shorten this time if you prefer a lighter taste, or lengthen it for a more intense result.
Our advice for tasting lemon mate
This lemon mate is perfect to accompany your breakfast!
Its lemony aroma will go perfectly with a fruity breakfast or a granola for example!
Its stimulating virtues which are diffused over several hours will enable you to spend the whole day in full form!
Please discover our full range of Maté.
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