A blend of an energizing mate with the sweetness of a pomegranate.
Why is mate the drink for sportsmen?
One should not confuse tea and mate, indeed mate is not obtained by the infusion of the plant Camellia Sinensis and thus does not contain theine. Nevertheless, it has similar virtues.
Mate is an excellent stimulant. This is due to a high content of :
Caffeine: very well known for its stimulating effect. However, mate contains less caffeine than coffee. This avoids undesirable effects.
Theobromine: this is what causes the bitterness of yerba mate. It is also found in cocoa beans. It stimulates the nervous system.
Theophylline: the main active molecule in tea leaves. The stimulating effect of mate is often compared to tea because it diffuses energy over the long term, without a peak in intensity.
Yerba mate leaves contain almost 90% more polyphenols than green tea. This makes it an excellent antioxidant. Thus, it helps boost the immune system and metabolism.
Mate also contains anti-inflammatory properties that are ideal for relieving sore muscles after exercise!
As you can see, mate contains many stimulating effects and can therefore be considered as a sports drink.
How to prepare a Maté Grenade?
How to prepare this Maté Grenade so that it releases all the splendor of its aromas and its virtues? It is simple:
We advise you to let it infuse for 3 minutes in a simmering water between 85° and 90°C.
But we can never repeat it enough: the secret of a good infusion is to enjoy it first. You can shorten this time if you prefer a lighter taste, or lengthen it for a more intense result.
You can also prepare a traditional South American Maté by getting a calabash (container in which the infusion is prepared) and a bombilla (filtering straw). Close your eyes, you are in South America!
Find more tips on how to try mate on our tips page.
When to drink a Maté Grenade?
This Maté Grenade is perfect to accompany your breakfast, or for a short break in the morning. It can be drunk hot or cold.
Its pomegranate aroma will go perfectly with a fruity breakfast or a granula for example!
Its stimulating virtues which are diffused over several hours will allow you to spend the whole day in good shape, or will be a very good stimulant before a sports session!
Thus, we recommend you to consume the maté in the morning, to benefit from all its effects. It should not be consumed in the evening, as it may affect your sleep.
Where does Maté Grenade come from?
Mate is a drink made from the infusion of the Ilex Paraguariensi plant, known as “yerba mate” in Spanish or “erva mate” in Portuguese.
This plant, which can grow up to 20 meters high, only grows in the border region between Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil. These three countries are the only producers of mate in the world.
At Compagnie & Co, we decided to bring a touch of pep and sweetness to our mate by associating it with pomegranate. The pomegranate is a fruit with many benefits. It is one of the fruits that contains the most antioxidant properties, it is an ally for your health.
Find here, all our range of Matés.
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